segunda-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2012


I made one of these for myself a couple years ago and it ended up being my everyday wallet that so many of my friends have asked for one justl ike it. I love them cause they are cute and don't use much fabric at all, and its something I can whip up in twenty minutes

EDIT: I've had a ton of people asking me where I got my labels, so here ya go - go to and search for 'custom labels' The girl I got mine from is no longer doing labels but you're sure to find a great seller on there! Happy Crafting =)

TUTORIAL!! I hope ya'll like it, its my first one!

Here's the tutorial!

Step 1: Give 3 year old daughter some crayons and paper and turn on Hannah Montana so she stays out of your way for 20 minutes =) (if you don't have kiddos in the house, you may skip this step)

Now you need a pattern, I use tissue paper (and gold paper cause I'm awesome), but any paper will do. Hell, sometimes I just wing it and don't use a pattern at all.

I've found that 8" x 5" is a good size for the wallet, so make it a little bigger for seam allowances.

Cut out two pieces, I used this cute lemon fabric but a neato thing to do is use a different fabric for the lining..

Also cut out some interfacing slightly smaller than the fabric cause you don't wanna sew over it, just makes things harder.

Iron on the interfacing to one of your fabrics (doesn't matter which one, I haven't found that it makes any difference)

Now, put the two pieces together, right sides facing each other, and sew around the whole rectangle. The trick is to start sewing in the MIDDLE of one of the short ends.. like so:

Then bring it back around and stop where the lines me, this is a really good trick.

Now cut off the corners, its not vital, but is an old trick of my mom's and I just do it anyhow.

Now turn the thing right side out.. it LOOKS scary here, but not for long:

Use a pen/chopstick/whatever is handy to poke out the corners so its nice and sharp

Now remember that hole we left?

It tucks in nice and neatly, and you now iron over the whole thing which creases the hole and makes it look perfect!! (what a cool trick..only took me like.. a year to figure it out)

Now sew across that seam with the hole:

Now's a good time to attach your label if you have one:

Fold it like so, you want to fold it in about 3 inches, this will be where you stash all your moolah, so if you're broke like me then it doesnt' need to be that big..

Start sewing at the bottom of one of the folded ends.. like so:

When you get to the crease, I like to put the pressor foot in reverse and sew over that part a few times to make it stronger:

You'll be sewing in a U shape.. only picking up and turning your wallet at the corners, but never actually stopping sewing.. continue to sew all the way around the 3 sides:

Now you can attach a snap or velcro.. I used velcro cause this one sucks which I'll blame on me being sick =)

You're done!!!  Now you better drop everything you're doing cause once you make one of these babies, you'll wanna make a million!

« Last Edit: August 27, 2008 10:38:57 AM by CheyElizabeth - Reason: added tutorials »

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